Daylife is an amazing place to get news and information that you can really use (no kidding!), and it's designed just for you. We know you have heard this all before, but it's Mac news versus PC news.
Daylife is an aggregator site, but what is truly incredible about it is how well it's designed. We love the big picture approach of showcasing the big story of the day with a big bold photo cover, and how below that pic/story, you can scroll through each and every other big story of each day all the way back to January 1, 2007. It's a snapshot in recent history, any time you want it.
You can find Daylife at daylife.com. You can customize the site to search for anything and everything of interst to you. They have partnerships with just about every major news organization - CNN, USA Today, BBC, Economist, the usuals. But what's wild is they draw from all kind of obscure sources as well. Today, for example, there was a story there from the Maylasian Sun.
Daylife was started by a group of folks who include Tom Tercek. We've known Tom for a very long time, dating back to his days at MTV Networks. Tom knows, and appreciates, great design, and it shows with Daylife's "ContentSense" platform. Try it; you'll like it.
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